September 29, 2009

"Live to Die"

Verse 1:
You were born to die for us, King Jesus.
Conceived by the Spirit, made into man, our spotless Lamb.
The act of man led to death, the act of God gave breath.
The gift You gave was oh so great, that it sealed my fate.

From your birth you had a plan,
To redeem a sinful man.
By the cross you did achieve,
For all those who believe.

Verse 2:
The gift of faith, the gift of grace, the choosing of your race.
I have sinned I look the other way, there’s so much debt to pay.
For my sins You took my place, but I spit on Your face.
Even my thoughts go against You, make my heart like new.


Verse 3:
You’ve done everything for the ones, that You call as sons.
There’s nothing left for me to do, I put my trust in You.
Hearts can change by the Holy Ghost, so there’s no room to boast.
What’s more humble on the earth, besides the cross and Your birth.


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