September 28, 2009

"By The Cross"

Verse 1:

By the cross I’ve been saved, it was the debt that Jesus paid…
It all for me this I read; now it’s time for me to bleed.
I take my cross everyday; Jesus you have paved the way…
For me to look, for me to trust; You gave the Spirit to all of us.

Verse 2:
Look to the cross day and night, walk by faith and for the light, You are the only way.
You are the way the truth and the life, to get to the Father you go through the Christ, the perfect sacrifice.
For God so loved the world that He gave, His only son meant for the grave, He rose in three days.
To live is Christ to die is gain, Jesus went through all the pain, He did not die in vain.

Four Hallelujahs in different harmonies.

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