June 12, 2009

I got a job on monday, so i've worked a few days already. I work at Johnson's appliances and bedding, and we deliver appliances and beds to people pretty much all across new jersey. I've seen God work in multiple ways so far. my friends have some great stories about people coming to Christ, and a couple healing stories as well. Recently my friend Jon hurt his knee, and could have torn his ACL, so people have been praying intensely over his knee. We are trusting that the Holy Spirit will heal his knee, and Jon has seen healing for himself and has healed people through the power of the Holy Spirit before. I was kinda skeptical about this whole healing thing at first but after hearing the stories people have told me, and I trust these people and they have no reason to lie to me, I've rethought this whole healing thing. I totally believe the Holy Spirit has the power to heal people. we see healing happening in the Bible and we believe the Bible to be true, so why can't the Holy Spirit still heal people. the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the same Holy Spirit that can heal people today. We don't demand that God heal Jon, but we just ask and plea that God will use his power to heal his knee. If it is in God's will for Jon's knee to be healed then that would be amazing. If God shows himself through healing Jon then we pray that we don't become prideful because of anything we have done or prayed, but that we would sing of God's praises, and Jon could use this as a testimony to Christ's glory. God's glory is the only reason we want his knee to be healed. If you guys could be praying for Jon's knee then that would be awesome cause we need as much prayer as possible, and if his knee gets healed then I will try to let you know as soon as possible. talk to you soon.

By God's Grace,


June 5, 2009

Hello again,
It is a rainy friday and my friend Megan from BSU and Maggie from Madison, Wisconsin are just chillin at a coffee shop nearby, so I thought it would be a good time to update a little bit more of what is going on. This past Sunday night we had a 3 hour student led prayer time, and it was nothing short of amazing. I believe the day before we had our mens and womens time, and I don't know what the women did, but the men played some intense ultimate frisbee. After the fun time we went back to the house and went into a time of seriousness. A time for guys to open up to other guys about things that they are struggling with in their lives. It was such a blessing for everyone to share and be real with people. A huge focus among the guys on project is to be genuine with one another, and so far everyone has been so open and authentic. I don't have a job yet but I will definitely have one this coming week because things will start picking up, and people will begin hiring more people. It has been frustrating not having a job yet, but it has also been a blessing because I can stay up late and talk to my brothers and sisters about God and life in general. It has been such a growing and humbling time during our late night conversations. The Lord has made himself known in everyone on project, just by the way everyone has been open and genuine with one another. It is so sweet to see the Lord work in other people's lives. That's all for now, but be prepared for my next post.

By God's Grace,
